Deep Foundations

Pile Foundations

CARLSON CONSTRUCTION GROUP has a vast history in steel, timber and concrete displacement piling, which are driven into the ground by means of hammering, drilling, vibrating or a combination of these techniques. We also specialize in cast-in-place piles (also referred to as caisson or bored piles), and tension piles (also referred to as anchored piles). 



Ground Improvements

CARLSON CONSTRUCTION GROUP has the geo-technique expertise in improving poor soil conditions to increase the load capacity, provide stability, control seepage, and provide liquefaction resistance. Our experience and methods includes vibro-displacement (stone columns) bottom dry feed, compaction densification, and displacement densification.


CARLSON CONSTRUCTION GROUP has expertise in building foundation shoring systems such as sheet pile walls, anchoring piles, and soldier piling (with lagging) to support loads and prevent collapse. A typical application would be for cofferdams, waler systems, retaining walls, and combi-walls (combination walls using both sheet piles and driven piles).